
How it works

Aries Markets allows swapping for any Aptos assets and many more through HippoLabs trade aggregator.

This swap checks price and routes among various Automated Market Maker (AMM) behind the scene to ensure users automatically trade with the best rates in the Aptos ecosystem.

Check Hippo documentation to further understand the mechanism of Smart Routine.

Aries Swap enables you to swap across assets that are listed.

Please note that liquidity for each pair varies, and one should always account for slippage and price impact.

Leverage Swap

The Aries Swap product is built upon our Aries Lend, which means users can utilize Aries Swap to swap assets they not yet hold and gain leveraged exposure on assets. The funds that are deposited into Aries can also be used to swap and trade on various AMM markets.

By toggling on ”Allow Borrowing”, you will be able to borrow any token from Aries Lend pools directly and gain additional long exposure to trade.

Below are some examples:

Successful Example 1Successful Example 2Successful Example 3

Before Swap

Deposit: 50 USDC

Loan: None

Deposit: 50 USDC;

20 USD worth of BTC

Loan: None

Deposit: 50 USDC



100 USDC borrowed

100 USD worth of SOL


50 USDC deposited + 50 USDC borrowed = 100 USDC

100 USD worth of BTC

Sell Aptos

100 USD worth of Aptos borrowed

100 USDC

After Swap

Deposit: 100 USD worth of SOL

Loan: 50 USDC

Deposit: 120 USD worth of BTC

Loan: 50 USDC

Deposit: 150 USDC Loan: 100 USD worth of Aptos

Maximum borrow


100 USD * 80% = 80 > 50

120 USD * 80% = 96 > 50

150 USD * 90% = 135 > 100

For simple cases such as USDC → some other coins, such as SOL/BTC :

MaximumLeverage=11LTVTargetCoinMaximumLeverage=\frac 1 {1-LTV_{Target Coin}}

You can check out the LTV of each supported asset from Assets supported.

Boundary Example 4Boundary Example 5

Before Swap

Deposit: 50 USDC

Deposit: 50 USDC;

100 USD worth of BTC


Buy SOL with USDC

50 original + 200 borrowed = 250 USDC

250 USD worth of SOL

Buy SOL with BTC

100 USD worth of BTC deposited + 625 USD worth of BTC borrowed

= 725 USD worth of BTC ⇒ SOL

After Swap

Deposit: 250 USD worth of SOL

Loan: 200 USDC

Deposit: 50 USDC,

725 USD worth of SOL

Loan: 625 USD worth of BTC

Maximum borrow


250 USD * 80% = 200 ≤ 200

50 USD * 90% + 725 * 80% = 625 ≤ 625

In the Example 4, the maximum leverage is 1 / (1 - 80%) = 5x leverage.

Last updated